Rohini Pahwa
Associate Professor; Director of the PhD Program
Areas of Expertise: Serious mental illness; mental health services; cross-cultural and cross-national research; community integration; stigma; social network analysis; qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
Rohini Pahwa is an Associate Professor and Director of the PhD Program at NYU Silver. Dr. Pahwa’s areas of specialization are severe mental illness and cross-cultural and cross-national research, and her work is rooted in her research, practice, and teaching experience in India and the United States.
As a mental health researcher, Dr. Pahwa examines the process of community integration and the influences of individual and systemic factors on social networks, community integration and mental health outcomes for individuals with severe mental illnesses through qualitative, quantitative, and social network methodologies. She is currently a principal investigator on a 5-year National Institute of Mental Health funded study entitled “A Longitudinal Examination of Factors Predicting the Social Networks and Mental Health Services of Black and Latine(x) Individuals With Serious Mental Illnesses” that examines the relationships between risk and protective factors, structural, functional and experiential aspects of social relationships, and mental health outcomes for Black and Latine(x) individuals with serious mental illnesses.
She earned her PhD in social work and received postdoctoral training from the University of Southern California School of Social Work. She earned her MSW from the University of Minnesota School of Social Work, her MA in psychology from Delhi University, India, and her BA from Punjab University, India.
Stigma Among Historically Marginalized Young Adults With Serious Mental Illnesses: A Mixed Methods Study
Rodwin, A. H., Shimizu, R., Banya, M., Moore, K., Bessaha, M., Pahwa, R., Yanos, P. T. & Munson, M. R., 2023,
In : Stigma and Health..
Is It Safe? Community Integration for Individuals With Serious Mental Illnesses
Pahwa, R., Dougherty, R. J., Kelly, E., Davis, L., Smith, M. E. & Brekke, J. S., Oct 2022,
In : Research on Social Work Practice. 32, 7, p. 826-838
13 p.
A Social–Ecological Model for Navigating Safety Across Time: The Experience of Black Adults With Serious Mental Illnesses
Smith, M. E., Pahwa, R., Harrison, G. D. & Sharpe, T. L., Jun 1 2022,
In : Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 13, 2, p. 353-379
27 p.
Experiences of Personal and Vicarious Victimization for Black Adults with Serious Mental Illnesses: Implications for Treating Socially-engineered Trauma
Smith, M. E., Pahwa, R., Harrison, G., Shaia, W. E. & Sharpe, T. L., 2022,
In : Smith College Studies in Social Work. 92, 2, p. 91-110
20 p.
Cross-ethnic invariance of BSI-18 in individuals with serious mental illness: New perspectives on measurement invariance testing
Pahwa, R., Brekke, J. S. & Jaccard, J., Dec 1 2021,
In : Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 12, 4, p. 755-787
33 p.
Special Considerations in Social Network Interviewing and Mapping with Vulnerable Populations
Smith, M. E. & Pahwa, R., Nov 2021,
In : Field Methods. 33, 4, p. 424-430
7 p.
Definitions of Community for Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses: Implications for Community Integration and Recovery
Pahwa, R., Smith, M. E., Kelly, E. L., Dougherty, R. J., Thorning, H., Brekke, J. S. & Hamilton, A., Jan 2021,
In : Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 48, 1, p. 143-154
12 p.
Practice-Based Research Networks in Stakeholder-Driven Social Work Research
Kelly, E. L., Davis, L., Holguin, M., Gaona, L., Pahwa, R., Lee, S., Pancake, L., Murch, L., Giambone, L. & Brekke, J., Nov 1 2020,
In : Research on Social Work Practice. 30, 8, p. 819-831
13 p.
Social Networks, Community Integration and Recovery for Individuals with Severe Mental Illnesses in India and the U.S: A Comparative Study
Pahwa, R., Smith, M. E., Patankar, K. U. & Ghosh, S., Aug 1 2020,
In : Community mental health journal. 56, 6, p. 1004-1013
10 p.
The impact of exposure to gun violence fatality on mental health outcomes in four urban U.S. settings
Smith, M. E., Sharpe, T. L., Richardson, J., Pahwa, R., Smith, D. & DeVylder, J., Feb 2020,
In : Social Science and Medicine. 246, 112587.
A Systematic Review of Research on Social Work Practice with Single Fathers
Kelly, E., Holguin, M., Gaona, L., Davis, L., Pahwa, R. & et al., Oct 20 2019,
In : Research on Social Work Practice. 31, 5, p. 329-347
19 p.
Sharing suicidal thoughts in social networks: a multi-level perspective of disclosure among people with serious mental illness in India
Fulginiti, A., Pahwa, R. & Frey, L. M., Jul 3 2019,
In : International Journal of Mental Health. 48, 3, p. 197-216
20 p.
The Ties That Bind and Unbound Ties: Experiences of Formerly Homeless Individuals in Recovery From Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use
Pahwa, R., Smith, M. E., Yuan, Y. & Padgett, D., Jul 1 2019,
In : Qualitative Health Research. 29, 9, p. 1313-1323
11 p.
A quick scoping review of psychosocial treatment recommendations for African Americans with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Smith, M. E., Yamada, A. M., Barrio, C., Pahwa, R., Hurlburt, K. & Brekke, J. S., 2019,
In : Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work. 28, 3, p. 263-281
19 p.
Is It Safe?: Community Integration for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness
Dougherty, R., Pahwa, R., Kelly, E., Davis, L. & Brekke, L., 2019,
In : Research on Social Work Practice..
Psychological community integration of individuals with serious mental illness
Pahwa, R. & Kriegel, L., Jun 2018,
In : Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 206, 6, p. 410-416
7 p.
Community integration and recovery: A qualitative perspective
Pahwa, R., Smith, M.E., Yuan, Y. & Padgett, D. K., 2018,
In : Qualitative Health Research..
Mental illness disclosure decision making
Pahwa, R., Fulginiti, A., Brekke, J. S. & Rice, E., 2017,
In : American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 87, 5, p. 575-584
10 p.
What Factors Influence the Decision to Share Suicidal Thoughts? A Multilevel Social Network Analysis of Disclosure Among Individuals with Serious Mental Illness
Fulginiti, A., Pahwa, R., Frey, L. M., Rice, E. & Brekke, J. S., Aug 1 2016,
In : Suicide & life-threatening behavior. 46, 4, p. 398-412
15 p.
Social support-centered versus symptom- centered models in predicting functional outcomes for individuals with schizophrenia
Pahwa, R., Smith, M. E., McCullagh, C. A., Hoe, M. & Brekke, J. S., 2016,
In : Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 7, 2, p. 247-268
22 p.
Testing the Influence of “Social Support Centered Model” Vs. “Symptom Centered Model” On Functioning in Individuals with Schizophrenia
Pahwa, R., Smith, M. E., Hoe, M. & Brekke, J. S., 2016,
In : Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 7, 2, p. 247-268
21 p.
Relationship of community integration of persons with severe mental illness and mental health service intensity
Pahwa, R., Bromley, E., Brekke, B., Gabrielian, S., Braslow, J. T. & Brekke, J. S., Jun 1 2014,
In : Psychiatric Services. 65, 6, p. 822-825
4 p.
A pilot test of a peer navigator intervention for improving the health of individuals with serious mental illness
Kelly, E., Fulginiti, A., Pahwa, R., Tallen, L., Duan, L. & Brekke, J. S., May 1 2014,
In : Community mental health journal. 50, 4, p. 435-446
12 p.
Experiencing community: Perspectives of individuals diagnosed as having serious mental illness
Bromley, E., Gabrielian, S., Brekke, B., Pahwa, R., Daly, K. A., Brekke, J. S. & Braslow, J. T., Jul 1 2013,
In : Psychiatric Services. 64, 7, p. 672-679
8 p.
Reducing health disparities for people with serious mental illness: Development and feasibility of peer health navigation intervention
Brekke, J. S., Siantz, E., Pahwa, R., Kelly, E., Tallen, L. & Fulginiti, A., Mar 2013,
In : Best Practices in Mental Health. 9, 1, p. 62-82
21 p.
A dual change model of life satisfaction and functioning for individuals with schizophrenia
Edmondson, M., Pahwa, R., Lee, K. K., Hoe, M. & Brekke, J. S., Aug 2012,
In : Schizophrenia Research. 139, 1-3, p. 110-115
6 p.
Evaluation of psychodynamic psychotherapy in a community mental health center
Bradshaw, W., Roseborough, D., Pahwa, R. & Jordan, J., Dec 2009,
In : Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry. 37, 4, p. 665-681
17 p.
Featured Research Project
A Longitudinal Examination of Factors Predicting the Social Networks and Mental Health Services of Black and Latinx Individuals With Serious Mental Illnesses
Social connections with family, friends, colleagues, and others are crucial to people’s health and life expectancy. These linkages are especially important for individuals with serious mental illnesses (SMIs), such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression. However Black and Latinx individuals with SMIs are more likely to have limited social networks and experience greater difficulty accessing and staying engaged in mental health services. To gain insight into the factors that influence Black and Latinx people with SMIs’ social networks and use of mental health services, the National Institute of Mental Health has awarded NYU Silver Associate Professor and PhD Program Director Rohini Pahwa and Thomas Jefferson University Assistant Professor Erin Kelly a five-year, $3.1 million grant.
Selected Presentations
Pahwa R., & Kreigel, L. (2018). Psychological Community Integration of Individuals with Serious Mental Illness. Society for Social Work Research, 22nd Annual meeting, San Francisco
Pahwa, R. (2018). Being in the US as an international student. Opportunities and Challenges: Chinese & Other Asian International Students Study Abroad in the U.S. - East Meets West. Pearl Institute conference at NYU Silver School of Social Work.
Pahwa, R., & Kreigel, L. (2016). Psychological community integration of individuals with SMI in S. Barrenger (Chair), Engagement and Community Integration with Vulnerable Populations: Crucial Concepts in Advancing Mental Health Services. Symposium to be conducted at the 23rd NIMH Mental Health Services Research Meeting, Bethesda, MD.
Pahwa, R., Fulginiti, A., Brekke, J.S. (2016). A networks perspective on community integration of Individuals with SMI in India and the US. The 8th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health. Singapore.
Pahwa, R., Fulginiti, A., Brekke, J.S. (2016). Disclosure about Mental Illness: A Networks Perspective. Society for Social Work Research, 20th Annual meeting, Washington DC.
Fulginiti, A., Pahwa, R. (2016). Revealing a Potentially Life-Saving Secret: An Exploratory Social Network Study Examining the Patterns and Correlates of Suicidal Disclosure Among People with Serious Mental Illness in India. Society for Social Work Research, 20th Annual meeting, Washington DC.
Pahwa, R., Chatterjee, A. (2015). Bridging mental health care access and knowledge: An example of community outreach in rural India. American Public Health Association, 143rd Annual APHA meeting. Chicago, IL.
Pahwa, R. (2015). Cross-National Research: The Benefits and the Pitfalls. New York University, Silver School of Social Work, Summer Lecture Series, New York, NY.
Pahwa, R., Fulginiti, A., Chavan. B.S., Rice, E., & Brekke, J.S. (2015). Disclosure of Suicidal Thoughts: Examining Individual and Relational Factors for Getting Help. Society for Social Work Research, 19th Annual meeting. New Orleans, LA.
Pahwa, R., Fulginiti, A., Chavan. B.S., Rice, E., & Brekke, J.S. (2014). Community integration of individuals with SMI: A networks perspective from India and United States. Society for Social Work Research, 18th Annual meeting. San Antonio, TX.
Pahwa, R., Bromley, E., Brekke, B., Gabrielian, S., Braslow, J. T., & Brekke, J. S. (2013). The community integration of individuals with severe mental illness: Effects of service intensity. Society for Social Work Research, 17th Annual meeting. San Diego, CA.