NYU Silver at SSWR 2025
Serious mental illness, gun violence, youth and young adults and HIV testing and care are among the other topics NYU Silver faculty, students and researchers will present on at the Society for Social Work and Research 29th Annual Conference, which is taking place from January 15–19, 2025 in Seattle, WA. In total, more than five dozen symposia, oral presentations, roundtables, posters and other events will feature work by NYU Silver scholars.
Full Presentation Schedule
The following schedule of presentations and events by and/or featuring the work of NYU Silver faculty, students, and researchers is based on the SSWR 2025 online presentation schedule and is up-to-date as of December 20, 2024. All sessions will be held at the Sheraton Grand Seattle. Presenting authors are noted with an asterisk. The names of NYU Silver faculty are bolded in black, PhD candidates in red, PhD students in purple, DSW students in blue and research scientists in gray. Please email silver.communications@nyu.edu with any questions.
Six members of the NYU Silver faculty are members of the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare (AASWSW), an honorific society of distinguished scholars and practitioners dedicated to achieving excellence in the field of social work and social welfare. They include Dean Michael A. Lindsey, who serves as the AASWSW’s President. Please join them in welcoming the Academy’s newest inductees during SSWR’s Annual Conference.
AASWSW Induction Ceremony
Saturday, January 18, 2025
7:30 - 9:30 PM
Sheraton Grand Seattle, Willow A & B
Thursday, January 16
8:00 AM-12:00 PM
RMW-4: Mixed Methodology
Other event (separate fee)
Ballard, Level 3
Speakers/Presenters: Michelle Munson, PhD, NYU Silver and Rohini Pahwa, PhD, NYU Silver
12:15 PM-1:30 PM
Meet the Scientist Luncheon
Other event (separate fee)
Grand Ballroom A, Level 2
Speakers/Presenters: Juan Rios, DSW, Seton Hall University, Mimi Abramovitz, DSW, Hunter College, Camille R. Quinn, PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Sheretta Butler-Barnes, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis, Yuanjin Zhou, PhD, University of Texas at Austin, David Turner, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles, Eunhye Ahn, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis, Dale Maglalang, PhD, MA, MSW, MPH, NYU Silver and Jane McPherson, PhD, MPH, LCSW, University of Georgia
1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Discrimination, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse amid COVID-19
Oral Presentations
Greenwood, Level 3
- COVID-19 Discrimination and Substance Use Among Asian Americans: Moderating Role of Gender
*Dale Maglalang, PhD, MA, MSW, MPH, NYU Silver; Nari Yoo, MA, NYU Silver; Michael Park, PhD, Rutgers University; Cora de Leon, PhD, MPH, LCSW, NYU Silver; Harvey Nicholson, PhD, University of Toronto; Sumie Okazaki, PhD, NYU Steinhardt; Doris Chang, PhD, NYU Silver
ePoster Presentations I
Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Associations of Everyday Discrimination and Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Perpetration
*Luisa (Lucy) Prout, MCJ, NYU Silver
3:15 PM-4:45 PM
Poster Presentations II
Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Examining Volunteering, Discrimination, and Older Adults’ Cognitive Health Outcomes: Through a Critical Lens and Productive Aging Framework
*Natalie Green, MSW, NYU Silver - Parenting, Adolescent Positive Functioning, and Adolescent Depression: Does Immigration Background Matter?
*Ning He, MSW, NYU Silver; Yiwei Zhang, PhD, University of Nebraska, Omaha
Listening to Young People in Foster Care and Their Caregivers
Flash Talks
Cedar A, Level 2
- Photovoice for Change (P4C): A Trauma-Informed Photovoice Project Co-Created with Foster Care-Experienced Youth
*Colleen Katz, PhD, Hunter College; Michelle Munson, PhD, NYU Silver; Moiyattu Banya, MSW, NYU Silver; Astraea Augsberger, PhD, Boston University; LaShawnda Kilgore, PhD, Children's Defense Fund - A Longitudinal Mixed Methods Exploration of Young People's Perspectives on Foster Care and Their Reflections on How to Change the Child Welfare System
*Heather Taussig, PhD, University of Denver; Michelle Munson, PhD, NYU Silver
Friday, January 17
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Workplace Stress, Burnout, and Health: Understanding Contributing Factors and Impacts
Oral Presentations
Medina, Level 3
- How Couple's Longitudinal Work Arrangements May Shape Individual Health and Sleep at Middle Adulthood
*Wen-Jui Han, PhD, NYU Silver; Julia Shu-Huah Wang, PhD, National Taiwan University; Pei-Chiang Lee, University of Texas at Austin
Mental Health
Flash Talks
Redwood B, Level 2
- Personal Recovery for Transition Age Youth and Young Adults with Mental Health Conditions: A Systematic Review
*Aaron Rodwin, LCSW, NYU Silver; *Sarah Watson, NYU Silver; Daniel Baslock, PhD; Victoria Stanhope, PhD, MSW, NYU Silver; Michelle Munson, PhD, NYU Silver - A Paradox of Acceptance: Young Adults’ Perspectives on Mental Health and Coping
*Michelle Munson, PhD, NYU Silver; Mohamad Brooks, PhD, NYU Silver; Aaron Rodwin, LCSW, NYU Silver; Moiyattu Banya, MSW, NYU Silver; Rei Shimizu, PhD, University of Alaska, Anchorage; Kiara Moore, PhD, NYU Silver; Sarah Narendorf, PhD, NYU Silver; Richelle Clifton, PhD, University of Washington; Philip Yanos, John Jay College of Criminal Justice - Who Is a Source of Stigma: Examining Stigmatizing Social Network Members for Those with Serious Mental Illness Using Multiple Methods
*Kristen Gurdak, PhD, Florida Atlantic University; Rohini Pahwa, PhD, NYU Silver; John Brekke, PhD, University of Southern California; Erin Kelly, PhD, Thomas Jefferson University
Intersectionality Matters: Minority Stress, Health, and Mental Health in Racial Sexual and Gender Minorities
Seneca, Level 4
Symposium Organizer: Dale Maglalang, PhD, MA, MSW, MPH, NYU Silver
- Understanding PrEP Intentions Among Black and Latine Transgender and Gender-Expansive Youth in the Context of Gender Minority Stress, Substance Use, and Gender Affirmation
*Sabrina R. Cluesman, PhD; Charles M. Cleland, PhD, NYU Grossman School of Medicine; Marya Gwadz, PhD, NYU Silver - “People Don't Generally Want or Accept You As a Person”: Processes of Enacted Stigma and Smoking in BIPOC Sexual Minority Men Who Smoke Daily
*Dale Maglalang, PhD, MA, MSW, MPH, NYU Silver; Fatima Mabrouk, MSW, NYU Silver; Samantha Luxmikanthan, MSW; Kiara Moore, PhD, NYU Silver; Ethan Moitra, PhD, Brown University; Jasjit Ahluwalia, MD, MPH, MS, Brown University - Examining E-Cigarette Use and Mental Health Among BIPOC Sexual and Gender Minority Young Adults
*Lance Keene, PhD, MSW, NYU Silver; Ryan Heath, PhD, LCSW, Syracuse University; Dale Maglalang, PhD, MA, MSW, MPH, NYU Silver - “Safe Space Stickers Are Not Enough”: Ambiguous and Performative LGBTQ+ Affirmation in Organizations Providing Mental Healthcare to Youth
*Kiara Moore, PhD, NYU Silver; Stephanie Campos, PhD, John Jay College of Criminal Justice; Sabrina Cluesman, PhD, NYU Silver; Dget Downey, MSW, NYU Silver
9:45 AM-11:15 AM
Analyzing Social Media Data for Social Work Research: Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling Using Natural Language Processing
Virgina, Level 4
Organizer: Nari Yoo, MA, NYU Silver
Speakers/Presenters: Nari Yoo, MA, NYU Silver, Cheng Ren, PhD, State University of New York at Albany and Gaurav Sinha, PhD, University of Georgia
Military Trauma and Risk-Taking Behaviors
Oral Presentations
Issaquah B, Level 3
- The Role of Problem Solving Appraisal and Support in the Relationship between Stress Exposure and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms of Military Spouses and Service Member Partners
*Kathrine Sullivan, PhD, NYU Silver; Yangjin Park, PhD, MSW, University of Texas at Arlington; Sabrina Richardson, PhD, Naval Health Research Center; Valerie Stander, PhD, Naval Health Research Center; James Jaccard, PhD, NYU Silver
Unpacking Social Determinants of Health: Barriers, Disparities, and Community Voices
Flash Talks
Jefferson A, Level 4
- Disparities in Blood Lead Levels in the United States: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES)
*Rei Shimizu, PhD, University of Alaska, Anchorage; Melissa Villodas, PhD, George Mason University; Michelle Munson, PhD, NYU Silver; Mansoo Yu, PhD, University of Missouri
Contemporary Issues in Human Trafficking
Medina, Level 3
- Life Histories of Adults Initiated into Commercial Sexual Exploitation at Early Life Stages
*Sarah Godoy, PhD, MSW, NYU Silver; Mimi Chapman, PhD, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Poster Presentations IV
Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Democratizing the Social Policy Discourse: A Thematic Analysis of Semi-Structured Interviews with Mobile Outreach Center Guests in NYC
*Ryan Savino, MSW, MPhil, MBA, The Graduate Center, CUNY; Deborah Padgett, PhD, NYU Silver - Because I Am a Female: Stigma and Safety Perspectives from Racially/Ethnically Diverse Women with Serious Mental Illness
Aanchal Modani, MA, NYU Silver; Kristen Gurdak, PhD; Layla Al Neyadi, MSW, NYU Silver; Melissa Smith, PhD, University of Maryland; Erin Kelly, PhD, Thomas Jefferson University; John Brekke, PhD, University of Southern California; Helle Thorning, Ph.D, Columbia University; *Rohini Pahwa, PhD, NYU Silver - Examining the Implementation of Mental Health Task Sharing Community-Based Aging Services for Older Chinese Adults: A Multiple Case Study
*Yuanyuan Hu, PhD; Victoria Stanhope, PhD, MSW, NYU Silver; Whitney Wortham, MPH, MSW, NYU Silver - Correlates and Rates of HIV and STI Testing Service Utilization Among Homeless Youth across Seven U.S. Cities
*Alex Ochs, MSS, LCSW, University of Denver; Anamika Barman-Adhikari, PhD, University of Denver; Hsun-Ta Hsu, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Robin Petering, PhD, Lens Co; Jama Shelton, PhD, City University of New York; Sarah Narendorf, PhD, NYU Silver; Diane Santa Maria, DrPH, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Kimberly Bender, PhD, University of Denver; Kristin Ferguson, PhD, Arizona State University
12:30 PM-1:30 PM
Eliminating Racism (Grand Challenge for Social Work)
Special Interest Group
University, Level 4
Conveners: Martell Teasley, PhD, University of Utah, Michael Spencer, PhD, University of Washington, Dale Maglalang, PhD, MA, MSW, MPH, NYU Silver, Jandel Crutchfield, PhD, LCSW, University of Texas at Arlington and Quincy Bloxom, DSW, Erase the Divide, LLC
2:30 PM-3:30 PM
Transforming Careers in Mental Health for Bipoc: Mentoring Strategies to Promote Healing and Social Change
Ballard, Level 3
Organizer: Linda Lausell-Bryant, PhD, NYU Silver
Speakers/Presenters: Ramona Denby-Brinson, Ph.D., MSW, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Eunjung Lee, PhD, University of Toronto, Dale Maglalang, PhD, MA, MSW, MPH, NYU Silver, Fatima Mabrouk, MSW, NYU Silver and Nari Yoo, MA, NYU Silver
Advancing Culturally Responsive, Community-Led Approaches to Firearm Violence Research and Practice
Jefferson A, Level 4
- “It’s Open Hunting Season for Black and Brown Men”: An Examination of Community Violence Intervention Worker Perspectives on the Interface between Law Enforcement and Street Outreach
*Nathan Aguilar, PhD, LCSW, NYU Silver; Kathryn Bocanegra, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago
Poster Presentations V
Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Uncovering Key Facilitators and Barriers to the Expansion of Social Finance in China
*Xixi Kang, MSW, MSP, NYU Silver; Ramesh Raghavan, PhD, NYU Silver; Xu Hu, PhD, Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion at Renmin University of China - Impact of Hurricane Maria on Mental and Physical Health Among Puerto Ricans: A Matched Difference-in-Differences Analysis
Yuanyuan Yang, MPA, Washington University in Saint Louis; Danyi Li, MPA, MSP, University of Southern California; Ruopeng An, PhD, NYU Silver - “See, I’ve Been through This before”: Parallels between the COVID-19 Pandemic and the AIDS Epidemic for Black Women Living with HIV in the U.S
*Latoya Small, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles; Caitlin Lau, MSW, University of Utah; Sarah Godoy, PhD, MSW, NYU Silver
3:45 PM-5:15 PM
“Whose facts matter!? – Part Two: Epistemic justice & professional values in faculty recruitment, promotion, tenure, and merit processes”
Special Symposium
Aspen, Level 2
Speakers/Presenters: Marci Ybarra, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Philip Hong, University of Georgia, Gina M. Samuels, PhD, University of Chicago, David R Hodge, PhD, Arizona State University, Ramona Denby-Brinson, Ph.D., MSW, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Michelle Munson, NYU Silver and Darcey Merritt, PhD, University of Chicago, Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice
The future of dual-system involved youth: From theory to practice
Oral Presentations
Ravenna C, Level 3
- Understanding Protective Factors Against Incarceration for Dual-Systems Youth: Insights from Social Control Theory
*Seonyeong Kim, MA, NYU Silver
Trauma, Wellbeing, and Resilience Across Diverse Immigration Contexts
Oral Presentations
Issaquah B, Level 3
- Understanding the Mental and Physical Health Consequences of the U.S. Citizenship Exam on Refugees: Implications for Practitioners and Policymakers
*Ifrah Magan, PhD, NYU Silver; Jessica Goodkind, PhD, University of New Mexico
Global mental health: Predictors, Challenges and Promising interventions
Oral Presentations
Greenwood, Level 3
- A Psychosocial Intervention to Improve Child Mental Wellbeing and Learning Outcomes in Afghanistan Schools
Jean-François Trani, Washington University in Saint Louis; *Shuya Yin, MSW, Washington University in St.Louis; Yiqi Zhu, PhD, Adelphi University; Parul Bakhshi, Washington University in Saint Louis; Ganesh Babulal, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis; Ramesh Raghavan, PhD, MD, MBBS, NYU Silver
Fostering Resilience and Access: Ecological Insights on IPV and Mental Health Among Women in Kenyan Informal Settlements
Ballard, Level 3
- Ecological Understanding of Trust in Accessing IPV and Mental Health Services in Informal Settlements of Nairobi, Kenya
*Hayley Farrell, BA, Columbia University; Francesca Meninger, BA, Columbia University; Gi Un Shin, BA, Columbia University; Maegan Ramchal, BA, Columbia University; Lena Obara, MA, Rutgers University-Newark; Nathan Aguilar, PhD, LCSW, NYU Silver; Christine Musyimi, PhD, Africa Mental Health Research and Training Foundation; Susan Witte, PhD, LCSW, Columbia University; Samantha Winter, PhD, Columbia Univers
Poster Presentations VI
Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Miracle Friends and Miracle Money in California: A Mixed-Methods Experiment of Social Support and Guaranteed Income for People Experiencing Homelessness
*Benjamin Henwood, PhD, University of Southern California; Deborah Padgett, PhD, NYU Silver; Peichen Liu, MSW, University of Southern California
5:30 PM-7:00 PM
Early Psychosis and Early Intervention Among Diverse Populations
Oral Presentations
Issaquah B, Level 3
- The Role of Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers in Expanding Access to Comprehensive Services for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness
*Elizabeth Matthews, PhD, Fordham University; Victoria Stanhope, PhD, MSW, NYU Silver
Saturday, January 18
7:00 AM-8:00 AM
Eradicating Social Isolation (Grand Challenge for Social Work)
Special Interest Groups
Jefferson A, Level 4
Conveners: Michelle Munson, PhD, NYU Silver, Robert Cosby, PhD, Howard University School of Social Work and Suzanne Brown, PhD, Wayne State University
Pilipinx Social Work and Allies Group (P-SWAG)
Special Interest Group
Aspen, Level 2
Conveners: Lalaine Sevillano, PhD, MSW, Portland State University, Joanna La Torre, MSW, LCSW, University of Washington, Cora de Leon, PhD, MPH, LCSW, NYU Silver, Kari Tabag, PhD, LCSW-R, Adelphi University, Hillary Nicole Peregrina, MA, MSW, University of California, Los Angeles, Gabrielle Aquino-Adriatico, PhD, University of Houston, Ronna Bañada, MSW, LCSW, University of Southern California and Dale Maglalang, PhD, MA, MSW, MPH, NYU Silver
Social Workers Advancing Asian American Mental Health
Special Interest Group
Willow B, Level 2
Convener: Daniel B. Tanh, NYU Silver
9:45 AM-11:15 AM
Serious Mental Illness
Oral Presentations
Issaquah B, Level 3
- "Opening and Closing Doors": How Families Influence Community Experiences Among Individuals with SMIs
*Yeqing Yuan, PhD, LCSW, University of Alaska, Anchorage; Lizbeth Gaona, PhD, California Baptist University; Helle Thorning, Ph.D, Columbia University; Rohini Pahwa, PhD, NYU Silver - Personal Recovery Mediates Symptom Impact on Quality of Life in Schizophrenia: Implications for Mental Health Services
*Ana T. Flores, PhD, NYU Silver; Samuel Murphy, MSW, University of Pittsburgh; Matcheri Keshavan, MD, Harvard University; Shaun M. Eack, University of Pittsburgh
Poster Presentations IX
Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Identifying Mechanisms for Comprehension and Retention of Research Study Consent in Latinxs with Schizophrenia
*Ana T. Flores, PhD, NYU Silver; Concepcion Barrio, PhD, University of Southern California; Barton Palmer, PhD, University of California, San Diego
9:45 AM-11:15 AM
Suicide Prevention and Services
Oral Presentations
Kirkland, Level 3
- Childhood Adversities and Suicidal Ideation Among Young Adults with Serious Mental Illnesses: The Mediating Roles of Perceived Stress, Dispositional Hope, and Mental Health Hope
*Aaron Rodwin, LCSW, NYU Silver; Moiyattu Banya, MSW, NYU Silver; Rei Shimizu, PhD, University of Alaska, Anchorage; James Jaccard, PhD, NYU Silver; Michael Lindsey, PhD, NYU Silver; Michelle Munson, PhD, NYU Silver
12:30 PM-1:30 PM
Preventing Gun Violence (Grand Challenge for Social Work)
Special Interest Group
Cedar B, Level 2
Conveners: Mickey Sperlich, PhD, University at Buffalo, Deborah Gorman-Smith, PhD, University of Chicago, Neil Guterman, PhD, NYU Silver and Patricia Logan-Greene, PhD, University at Buffalo
3:15 PM-3:45 PM
Fellows and Awards Presentations
Other Events
Metropolitan Ballroom AB, Level 3
- Outstanding Social Work Doctoral Dissertation Award: Sabrina Cluesman, PhD ’24, NYU Silver
- Doctoral Fellows Award: Aaron Rodwin, LCSW, NYU Silver
4:00 PM-5:30 PM
Research Capacity Development Committee Roots and Wings Session II: Upholding Academic Freedom in Social Work Research in the Context of Diversity-Related Challenges
Other event
Aspen, Level 2
Speakers/Presenters: Mo Yee Lee, PhD, Ohio State University, Mimi Chapman, Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Robert Eschmann, PhD, Boston University, Kirk Foster, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington and Fatima Mabrouk, MSW, NYU Silver
Computational Approaches to Social Work Research Utilizing Text As ‘Big Data’
Redwood B, Level 2
Symposium Organizer: Amanda Ritchie, NYU Silver
- Can Artificial Intelligence Write a Good Clinical Note? Using NLP Methods to Determine Clinic Note Quality
*Victoria Stanhope, PhD, MSW, NYU Silver; Nari Yoo, MA, NYU Silver; Elizabeth Matthews, PhD, Fordham University; Yuanyuan Hu, PhD; Daniel Baslock, PhD; Samantha Luxmikanthan, MSW - Unraveling the Complexities of Detecting Implicit Anti-Asian and Pro-Asian Speech on Social Media: Challenges, Insights, and the Potential of Large Language Models
*Doris Chang, PhD, NYU Silver; Nari Yoo, MA, NYU Silver; Heran Mane, University of Maryland at College Park; Angela Zhao, NYU Steinhardt; Sumie Okazaki, PhD, NYU Steinhardt; Thu Nguyen, PhD, University of Maryland at College Park - Harnessing Data Science to Assess Racial, Ethnic, and Linguistic Diversity in the Clinical Social Worker Workforce
*Nari Yoo, MA, NYU Silver; Michael Park, PhD, Rutgers University; Doris Chang, PhD, NYU Silver - Fathers’ Involvement, Early Childhood Development and Risk: Employing the Language Environment Analysis (LENA) Technology in Understanding Fathers’ Verbal Interactions with Their Young Children
*Neil Guterman, PhD, NYU Silver; Jennifer Bellamy, PhD, University of Denver; Jin Yao Kwan, PhD, University of Delaware; Zezhen Wu, NYU Steinhardt; Aaron Banman, PhD, University of Nebraska, Omaha; Justin Harty, PhD, Arizona State University; Sandra Morales-Mirque, BA, University of Chicago
Financial Well-Being and Quality of Life in China: The Role of Social Workers
Willow B, Level 2
- The Effectiveness of an Intervention on Child Financial Literacy
*Minchao Jin, PhD, NYU Silver; Jun-Hong Chen, Washington University in St. Louis; Xuan Huang, MSW, Washington University in Saint Louis
HIV Care and Stigma
Oral Presentations
Issaquah B, Level 3
- HIV Treatment Engagement As a Moderator of the Relationship between HIV Stigma and Depression Severity Among Black and Latine Emerging Adults
*Dget Downey, MSW, NYU Silver; Kiara Moore, PhD, NYU Silver; Marya Gwadz, PhD, NYU Silver; Leo Wilton, PhD, State University of New York at Binghamton; Samantha Serrano, NYU Silver; Dawa Sherpa, NYU Silver; Michelle Munson, PhD, NYU Silver - HIV Testing Frequency & Predictors in a Statewide Sample of Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Adults
*Donald Gerke, PhD, University of Alabama, Birmingham; Alex Ochs, MSS, LCSW, University of Denver; Tural Mammadli, MSW, University of Maryland Baltimore; Dget Downey, MSW, NYU Silver; Beren Crim Sabuncu, MSW, Florida State University
Poster Presentations X
Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Who to Tell and When: Experiences with Direct and By Proxy Status Disclosure Among Black Women Living with HIV
*Latoya Small, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles; Sarah Godoy, PhD, MSW, NYU Silver; Caitlin Lau, MSW, University of Utah
Sunday, January 19
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Black Community Perspectives on Survivorship and Gun Violence: Qualitative Stories of Trauma and Resilence
Oral Presentations
Boren, Level 4
- Scars of Survival: Family Systems in the Wake of Community Based Gun Violence
*Nathan Aguilar, PhD, LCSW, NYU Silver; Owyn Guinnip, Columbia University; Gabrielle Andrade, Columbia University - "Danger Is Everywhere": Experiences of Continuous Traumatic Stress Following Gunshot Survivorship
*Gabrielle Andrade, Columbia University; Nathan Aguilar, PhD, LCSW, NYU Silver; Owyn Guinnip, Columbia University - “Women’s Part of the Story Don’t Get Told”: Experience and Resilience in the Aftermath of Gun Violence Survivorship
*Beth-Anne Jacob, PhD, Healing Hurt People Chicago; Nathan Aguilar, PhD, LCSW, NYU Silver; Owyn Guinnip, Columbia University; Gabrielle Andrade, Columbia University; Samantha Winter, PhD, Columbia University
Leveraging Inner Transformation for Social Transformation: Examining the Role of Mindfulness in Supporting Health Equity
Ballard, Level 3
- Mindfulness for Black Community Leaders Engaged in Racial Justice Work: A Qualitative Examination of a Brief Community Group Intervention
*Doris Chang, PhD, NYU Silver; Erin Woo, Brown University; Alayha McNamara, Southern Oregon University; Trymaine Gaither, Washington State University; Jeffrey Proulx, PhD, Brown University
Transitioning/Emerging Adults with Mental Health Challenges
Oral Presentations
Issaquah A, Level 3
- The Healing Partner: Reimagining Mental Health Supports for Young Adults at Critical Points of Transition
Marcus Brown, MSW, University of Houston; Sarah Narendorf, PhD, NYU Silver; Gregory Gomez, MSW, The University of Houston; Umaira Khan, MSW, University of Houston; Michelle Munson, PhD, NYU Silver - Is Personal Recovery Distinct for Young Adults?: (Re)Conceptualizing Dimensions of the Recovery Assessment Scale with Confirmatory Factor Analysis
*Aaron Rodwin, LCSW, NYU Silver; James Jaccard, PhD, NYU Silver; Victoria Stanhope, PhD, MSW, NYU Silver; Michelle Munson, PhD, NYU Silver - Mental Health of Black & Latinx Youth and Emerging Adults Living with HIV: Examining Social Ecological Risk Factors and Their Association with Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Comorbid Depression/PTSD
*Mohamad Brooks, PhD, NYU Silver; Aaron Rodwin, LCSW, NYU Silver; Marya Gwadz, PhD, NYU Silver; Leo Wilton, PhD, State University of New York at Binghamton; Samantha Serrano, NYU Silver; Dawa Sherpa, NYU Silver; Michelle Munson, PhD, NYU Silver
Influence and Interventions for Emotional and Mental Wellbeing in BIPOC Youth
Oral Presentations
Capitol Hill, Level 3
- Ethnic Identity. Thwarted Belongingness, and Perceived Burdensomeness Among Latinx and Black Youth
*Carolina Vélez-Grau, PhD, Boston College; Melissa McTernan, PhD, Boston College; Michael Lindsey, PhD, NYU Silver; Laura Mufson, PhD, Columbia University Irving Medical Center
ePoster Presentations XI
Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- The Relationship between Gender Norms and Psychosocial Functioning Among Adolescents in Southern Uganda
*Portia Nartey, MSW, MSP, Washington University in Saint Louis; Samuel Kizito, MD, MS, Washington University in St. Louis; Proscovia Nabunya, MSW, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis; Moiyattu Banya, MSW, NYU Silver; Vicent Ssentumbwe, MPH, Washington University in St. Louis; Flavia Namuwonge, MBA, Washington University in St. Louis; Mitra Naseh, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis; Ozge Sensoy Bahar, PhD, Washington University in St. Louis; Fred Ssewamala, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis - The Impact of Prescription Opioid Misuse and Comorbid Substance Use on Suicidal Behaviors Among US Young Adults
Seungbin Oh, PhD, Boston University School of Medicine; Cindy Liu, PhD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Madison Kitchen, EdM, MSW, NYU Silver; *Hyeouk Chris Hahm, PhD, Boston University
9:45 AM-11:15 AM
Poster Presentations XII
Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Examining PrEP Cascade Engagement in a Statewide Sample of Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Adults in the United States
*Donald Gerke, PhD, University of Alabama, Birmingham; Tural Mammadli, MSW, University of Maryland Baltimore; Dget Downey, MSW, NYU Silver; Darren Whitfield, PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore
Examining Antecedents of Substance Misuse and Overdose Among Youth and Young Adults
Oral Presentations
Ravenna B, Level 3
- Longitudinal Substance Abuse Patterns Among Transition-Age Youth in the Foster Care System and Their Subsequent Adulthood Outcomes
*Seonyeong Kim, MA, NYU Silver; Hayoung Donnelly, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Social Work Support for Immigrants and Refugees Wellbeing
Oral Presentations
Cedar B, Level 2
- Mental Health Service Use Among Black and Latinx Youth and Emerging Adults Living with HIV: Comparing U.S. and Foreign-Born Youth
*Mohamad Brooks, PhD, NYU Silver; Aaron Rodwin, LCSW, NYU Silver; Marya Gwadz, PhD, NYU Silver; Leo Wilton, PhD, State University of New York at Binghamton; Samantha Serrano, NYU Silver; Dawa Sherpa, NYU Silver; Michelle Munson, PhD, NYU Silver
11:30 AM-1:00 PM
Poster Presentations XII
Grand Ballroom C, Level 2
- Assessing Intersecting Risk Factors for Psychotic Experiences Using an Expanded Social Defeat Hypothesis
*Brianna Amos, LSW, NYU Silver; Jackie Cosse, LMSW, NYU Silver; Seonyeong Kim, MA, NYU Silver; Stephanie Secaira, MSW; Jordan DeVylder, PhD, NYU Silver
Employing Community Engaged Research Methods to Strengthen the Impact of Social Work Intervention Research
Jefferson A, Level 4
Organizer: Amy Blank Wilson, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Speakers/Presenters: Trenette Clark Goings, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Will Hall, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Michelle R. Munson, PhD, NYU Silver and Amy Blank Wilson, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill