New Issue of the Clinical Social Work Journal Celebrates 50th Anniversary of NYU Silver

The June issue of the Clinical Social Work Journal titled "Agency-Based Clinical Practice with Vulnerable Populations: Knowledge Building for Practice and Partnership with Community Agencies" commemorates the 50th anniversary of the NYU Silver School of Social Work. Many articles are authored or co-authored by Silver School faculty members in collaboration with agency representatives, and address issues in current and future social work practice, such as the DSM-5, substance abuse, master's and doctoral education, spirituality, and shared trauma.

Collectively, the articles celebrate the School's long-standing reputation for clinical social work excellence and the School's current mission, which includes a research-based focus on poverty and social justice, agency-based practice, and knowledge development for social work practice.

The issue was guest edited by Dean Lynn Videka and posthumously by Eda Goldstein, a long-time Silver School professor and one of the foremost social workers of contemporary psychoanalytical theory and practice. Goldstein died in June 2011. The issue was dedicated to Connie Silver, BS '78, MSW '79, a leader at both the Silver School and New York University.

Founded in 1973, the Clinical Social Work Journal is devoted to the advancement of clinical knowledge and acumen of practitioners, educators, researchers, and policy makers. The Journal publishes leading, peer-reviewed original articles relevant to contemporary clinical practice with individuals, couples, families, and groups. It also presents innovations in theoretical, practice, evidence-based clinical research, and interdisciplinary approaches.

Associate Professor Carol Tosone has served as editor-in-chief of the Clinical Social Work Journal since 2006. Tosone states, "The definition of clinical social work has expanded significantly since the Journal's inception. Originally synonymous with psychodynamic therapy, clinical social work now encompasses the most recent advances in evidence-based practice tailored for specific populations and problem areas."